The website of Chieri Tourism is an instrument that the local authority wanted, to manage relations with tourists and visitors better.

The Tourism Desk and the Local Area Promotion Service also make use of the website to take care of aspects relating to promotion and hospitality: guided tours, opening hours, illustrative materials and maps with recommended routes, as well as booking accommodation, suggestions for eating places and where to find sporting activities.

In the section on tourist packages Pacchetti turistici ideas and complete packages can be found for exploring the city and its surrounding area: an opportunity to enjoy services and organisation “tailor-made” for the visitor. If you prefer organising your visits on your own you can browse the other sections of the website or contact the Tourism Desk to obtain precise information.

The Tourism Desk is also on hand to provide all the necessary information and help for improving the organisation of your own ideas.

Professional operators interested in promoting an idea for tourists in and around Chieri should contact us: we can channel the proposals better if we are provided with all the required information to help us illustrate the conditions of the proposal (period, clients, price, contacts, photos, route maps, etc…)
Please contact us by email at: or, or call us on (39) 011 9428.440.

Write to, or call 011.9428440.


+39 0119428342 (mart.-ven ore 9-12)